SEND at Hotham
We believe that all children excel with an outstanding education, an enriching curriculum, supportive family and staff who are dedicated and caring.
All learners are unique with differing strengths and interests and we work to these to motivate and instil pupils with confidence. We prepare all of our children for the wider world by supporting them where necessary whilst developing their independence and life skills.
Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) is Kimberley Walker, who can be contacted at send@hotham.wandsworth.sch.uk
If parents or carers have any questions about SEND, the first point of contact should always be the class teacher, who knows your child best.
SEND Provision
We have a three layers of provision for children with SEND and other additional needs who may require support so that they can access our school and our curriculum.
Our first approach is to ensure that the quality of teaching in the classroom is exceptional;
We may then use additional targeted interventions to support children;
Lastly we allocate specialist provision, using outside professionals or services.
We are very lucky to have a range of resources on offer, including:
Our Wellbeing Team, an experienced staff team who oversee all-round pupil wellbeing;
A dedicated Speech and Language Teaching Assistant;
A play therapist who works with key children;
A sensory room;
Fully-trained staff in Rapid Read and Sandwell Interventions;
Three staff trained in emotional support (ELSA);
Extensive support from the Educational Psychologist Team.
You can read more about how we support and include pupils with a range of needs by reading our Inclusive Support Map below:
You can find out more information on our approach to SEND at Hotham, by accessing our Information Report:
Local Offer
Wandsworth has a Local Offer for children and young people with SEND.
You can find it by clicking on the button below: