An International Outlook
Hotham has a unique approach to the teaching of foreign languages - all children learn enhanced French from the minute they start with us.
Our school is in the heart of one of the world’s most interconnected and international cities. As the citizens of the future, it is crucial that our children recognise the value of an international outlook from an early age. Alongside a rigorous programme of integrated speaking, listening, reading and writing, we use our French curriculum to help our children understand their place in an ever changing world.
Integrated French Teaching
All children learn French from the minute they start our school in nursery. We begin by introducing the language through the day - using opportunities for immersion with instructions, songs, stories and simple conversation delivered in French This continues through the school, with more extended opportunities for formal French teaching as the children enter KS1 and KS2. By the end of Year 6, our children are achieving at a level far above that expected in the national curriculum.
We use a range of opportunities for children to apply and practice their French in real life contexts, including:
French café experiences.
French days in which the school comes together to celebrate an element of francophone culture.
French packs - French reading books and audio tapes which are sent home weekly.
Specialist Staff
Hotham has a long legacy of French teaching, meaning we have a large number of staff who are proficient French speakers themselves, either through academic study, or through spending time in a French speaking country. We are also lucky to have a number of native speakers on the staff team.
We make use of this extensive expertise, ensuring that children regularly hear good models of pronunciation.
Intent: Our vision and philosophy of French
Our intent is to nurture and develop confident linguists, who leave Hotham with:
The ability to understand, speak, read and write simple French texts with fluency and confidence
Strong understanding of French phonics, vocabulary and grammar, which is built on each year as pupils progress through the school
Knowledge and understanding of French and Francophone culture, supporting global learning and intercultural understanding
Language learning skills, which support pupils with future language learning
An appreciation for language learning and the opportunities it provides
Implementation: What does French look like at Hotham?
Nursery and Reception: French is introduced through real-life situations and children join in with French stories and songs.
KS1 and KS2: One discrete French lesson per week (30-40 minutes), with opportunities for short 5-10 minute follow ups throughout the week
Our curriculum is based on three pillars of language learning: phonics, vocabulary and grammar
The curriculum is carefully sequenced, to ensure progression in knowledge year on year
Children have opportunities to speak, hear, read and write in French in all year groups
Whole-school events like French days foster a love for learning French and support cultural understanding
Children take home a French pack each week, with a French story and audio recording, to support their reading and listening skills
French native speakers on the staff team and French specialists support with accuracy in children’s pronunciation and grammar
Impact: Evidence and Assessment of French
Teachers use Assessment for Learning (AfL) to assess French during lessons and also make judgments by looking at children’s work in French books. Summative assessment takes place twice a year, based on the objectives taught in each year group.
French Overview
Please see an overview of our French curriculum below.