Safeguarding at Hotham
At Hotham, our approach to safeguarding is very simple:
The key individuals responsible for overseeing our culture of safeguarding are:
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): Rebecca Oddy
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Richard Byrne-Smith
Other staff trained to DSL level: Olivia Ridout-Doyle and Kimberley Walker
Safeguarding Governor: Jane Mitchell
Health and Safety Governor: Colin Wheeler
How we keep children safe?
Hotham has a strong safeguarding culture, and safeguarding is given the highest possible priority in school. It is also a significant area, covering child protection, online safety, site security, health and safety, evacuation, lock down, anti-bullying, radicalisation, racism, female genital mutilation and more. You can view our most recent policies linked to safeguarding on our Policies Page.
Safeguarding Lead
Rebecca Oddy is the Designated Safeguarding Lead and is responsible for overseeing our culture of safeguarding and ensuring that everything we do is in line with our safeguarding policies, government guidance and best practice in this area.
All employees have annual training and regular updates to make sure knowledge and understanding of safeguarding are current. We ensure all those who are contracted at school (e.g. cleaners, school meal providers, sports providers, supply teachers) have undergone police checks and are legally entitled to work in the UK and that any adults working directly with children have had appropriate safeguarding training.
The safeguarding team also receive higher level safeguarding training annually and regularly attend Wandsworth DSL forums to ensure their knowledge and understanding is up-to-date.
Working with others
We work with a range of other professionals and agencies including social workers, health professionals and the police to make sure children and families have any support they need.
Richard Byrne-Smith, Rebecca Oddy and Dafinka Dimitrova all hold the Safer Recruitment qualification, as do some members of the governing body. Safe practices are followed when shortlisting, interviewing and appointing staff to all roles.
We have a named governor linked to safeguarding in school. The link governor, along with other members of the board, carries out annual safeguarding audits, attends training and checks we are compliant with our policy. This governor sits on the Children, Families and Community Committee, which meets termly.
We also have a named Health and Safety link governor. We go on regular health and safety walks and the health and safety governor carries out checks to ensure the school is compliant with its policy.
Managing concerns
All staff are trained and able to manage and respond to safeguarding concerns, in line with our policy:
Onward referrals
If the DSL needs to pass referrals on to Social Care, this is co-ordinated via Wandsworth MASH.
If you have a concern
If anyone has a concern related to safeguarding, we would urge you to act by:
Phoning the school on 020 8788 6468 and asking to speak to a member of the Safeguarding Team
Emailing the school on safeguarding@hotham.wandsworth.sch.uk
Contacting Wandsworth Social Care (MASH) on 020 8871 6622