Equality and Inclusion

Our Philosophy

Every day at Hotham we give our children the opportunity to celebrate the inclusive richness they can find all around them. We are proud that we have children and families from many different countries around the world speaking over 50 languages and dialects. This means we can offer an enriched curriculum whereby all of these different cultures, customs, experiences and languages can be recognised and immersed in children’s learning.

We are a community and believe it is everyone’s collective responsibility to teach and prepare children for the world they are already living in. Our school is about everyone, and we recognise and celebrate our differences. We have high expectations for all and teach our children to become allies who will support and protect those around them.

We know our children and families very well and this ensures we can provide limitless opportunities for our whole school community. We recognise that school does not stand separate to home; they are co-dependent, and we all work together for the benefit of our children’s future.

We are proud to be recognised as an Inclusion Quality Mark Centre of Excellence (awarded 2024).

Equality Objectives 2024-2027

Although equality is at the heart of all we do, one way we plan to further address issues of inequality, disadvantage and discrimination is by focusing on a set of specific equality objectives every three years.

These objectives should be, and in our school are, clearly relevant to the groups with protected characteristics identified in the Equality Act. Our equality objectives for the next three years have been set in response to issues and concerns identified by the governors based on evidence and in consultation with pupils, staff and parents.

AreaObjectiveProtected Characteristic
Closing the gapTo continue to regularly monitor and analyse any gaps in pupil achievement between pupils and all groups of pupils and act upon any trends or patterns in this data that require additional support for pupils. Race; Religion or belief; Sex; Disability
Diverse curriculum To ensure our curriculum and extra-curricular opportunities reflect our commitment to equality in all subject areas and promote positive attitudes to equality and diversity.Race; Religion or belief; Sex; Disability
Inclusive environmentsTo ensure a safe and inclusive school environment where all pupils, staff and visitors feel valued and respected.Race; Religion or belief; Sex; Disability
Valuing everyoneTo promote cultural understanding and awareness by valuing and celebrating the cultures, histories and religious beliefs of our school community.Race; Religion or belief

 To Find Out More

Please see our policies related to Equality, Accessibility and SEND on our Policies Page.