Our Performance
What Achievement Means to Us
Achievement sits at the heart of our school vision. Our school exists to provide limitless opportunities for every child to aspire and succeed.
However, for everyone at Hotham, achievement does not just mean test results. While our children consistently achieve above national averages, we strive to achieve so much more.
By the time they leave, we expect our children to:
Be ready for life in London and the wider world;
Be excited about learning and understand its purpose;
Have been given limitless opportunities;
Have aspirations for the future;
Be welcoming and open-minded individuals;
Be kind, confident, articulate and respectful young people.
Results 2024
Our most recent results demonstrate that pupils leaving Hotham significantly outperform others nationally. We are very proud of the hard work and achievement of our pupils and staff.
In 2024 our KS2 results for Reading, Writing and Maths placed Hotham in the top 10% of schools nationally.
You can view our results in full by scrolling down the page.
End of KS2 results 2024
Key Stage 2 Results 2024
Pupils in Year 6 take SATS tests. These tests are used to ascertain whether children are working at the ‘Expected Standard’ or are working above this, at ‘Greater Depth’. They also give an average score, comparing the results to national averages, with 100 being the threshold for the ‘Expected Standard’.
Reading | Hotham | National |
Expected Standard | 93% | 74% |
Greater Depth Standard | 37% | 28% |
Average Score | 108 | 105 |
Writing | Hotham | National |
Expected Standard | 86% | 72% |
Greater Depth Standard | 28% | 13% |
Maths | Hotham | National |
Expected Standard | 88% | 73% |
Greater Depth Standard | 35% | 24% |
Average Score | 107 | 104 |
Combined R, W, M | Hotham | National |
Expected Standard | 84% | 61% |
Greater Depth Standard | 12% | 7% |
Phonics Results 2024
Children in Year 1 take a ‘phonics screening check’. They have to decode and read 40 words. Children who read 32 correctly pass the phonics check.
Phonics | Hotham | National |
Expected Standard | 91% | 80% |
End of Reception 2024
At the end of Reception, teachers judge whether or not a child has reached a ‘Good Level of Development’. This means they are working at the expected standard in:
Prime Area: Personal, Social & Emotional Development (PSED)
Physical Development
Communication and Language
GLD | Hotham | National |
Good Level of Development | 78% | 68% |
Historic Results
You can view historic results from 2019 onwards by clicking the button below.
Due to the pandemic, there were no assessments in 2020 or 2021.
Performance Tables
You can find our more about the performance of children at Hotham compared to other schools, by clicking the button below.
School Awards
Hotham currently holds a number of prestigious awards, including:
Inclusion Quality Mark (IQM) Centre of Excellence - awarded June 2024
Sports Mark Gold - awarded May 2024
Healthy Schools Silver - awarded July 2024
Other Achievements
Our children demonstrate purposeful achievement in a range of ways beyond SATS results.
In recent years, pupils from Hotham have achieved, among many things:
Current holders of the Wandsworth borough boys’ football trophy;
Obtaining places in a range of secondary schools, including Putney High School, Richmond Park Academy, Tiffin, Emanuel and Kingston Grammar;
Raising substantial amounts for charity for the School Council’s yearly charities (this year GOSH and Regenerate:RISE);
Supporting the Wandsworth Foodbank every winter;
Music grades on a range of instruments including piano, violin, flute and clarinet;
Community action projects, including a litter pick of the Thames Path;
Participation in a range of competitions and events including local maths competitions, Battle of the Books, Royal Society Young Artist and many more!